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Lent at West Raleigh
Ash Wednesday
February 14 at 7pm
Worship, Communion, and the imposition of ashes in the Sanctuary

Stories for Staying Human
Wednesdays at 7pm beginning February 21
West Raleigh pastors and members will lead Zoom gatherings on Wednesdays during Lent using Cole Arthur Riley's new book, Black Liturgies.
Each chapter of the "By Story" section of the book includes a letter from Cole, a poem, a few prayers, a breath practice and questions for contemplation.
Palm Sunday
March 24 at 10am
Palm Parade with special 4-legged guest at 10 am followed by worship
Maundy Thursday
March 28 at 6pm
Agape meal and table worship in the Fellowship Hall
Good Friday
March 29 at 7pm
Shared worship with neighborhood churches at Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church.
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