By Patricia Sprinkle, Session Communicator

In the history of WRPC, Bill and Helen Hassler are two Presbyterian saints: people who lived a life of love. Helen, who was raised a Presbyterian, joined WRPC soon after they moved to Raleigh in 1953 for Bill, an ichthyologist, to take a professorship at NC State. When their children were born, Helen brought young Bill and Dorothy (known as Dotty) to Sunday School and enrolled them in the WRPC preschool. Helen was active in Presbyterian Women, enjoyed helping in the kitchen for congregational meals, and played the piano for Sunday School. She turned down an invitation to become an elder, though. Her son Bill explains, “She didn’t think it appropriate for her as a woman.”
Anne Bromby remembers how welcome Helen made her feel when she first came to West Raleigh and joined Helen’s Circle in the 1990’s. “She was so sweet and kind. We were decades apart in age, but we became close friends.” Anne remembers Bill’s generosity at a church auction, when a number of couples bid for a home-cooked gourmet meal. Bill out-bid them, then invited all the couples who had bid for it to join them for the dinner. Helen’s son Bill remembers that as his mother’s health failed, Anne was a comfort and constant friend to her.
While Bill was not involved in the church, daughter Dorothy remembers that he helped Helen deliver meals to homebound seniors. Even when they were in their 80’s and frail, Helen—on oxygen by then—would prepare the meal and ride along as Bill delivered it. “They just loved helping people.”
Dorothy was married in this church, and remembers that our beautiful sanctuary was her mother’s special place, “her anchor.”
Bill died in 2008 and Helen in 2011 but they continue to serve West Raleigh through a donation their son Bill makes each year in their memory. Why does he do this? “I think my mother would want me to.” Because Bill and Helen loved gardening, one donation assisted with the Beeloved Garden. Another was used for the red Welcome door that opens off the courtyard. A third went toward renovation of the second-floor bathrooms. The most recent gift will fund the bottle refilling station on Horne St. and another gift helped to fund the Courtyard Columbarium where, in coming months, Bill and Helen will be interred.