In our ongoing shift from pandemic protocols to new ways of being, you may have noticed that West Raleigh has not returned to passing the offering plate. During the pandemic, we learned something we already knew. West Raleigh is a congregation that practices abundance. Even when we were apart, members and friends continued to send tithes and offerings through snail mail, online giving and dropping it through the secure slot in the Finance Office door. In addition, contributions to the Feeding Ministry and various Community Impact Challenges came pouring in. We sent thousands of additional dollars to new partners like Oberlin Village, the North Carolina Black Alliance and Southeast Raleigh Promise. Once we returned to worship, the Worship Committee studied the origins and current practices around the Offering in worship and recommended that, instead of returning to old practices that no longer fit current patterns, we realign and expand our practice to reflect our theology.
The Presbyterian (USA) Directory for Worship says, “As those who have been claimed and set free by his grace, we respond with gratitude, offering him our lives, our spiritual gifts, and our material goods. Every service of worship shall include an opportunity to respond to Christ’s call to discipleship through self-offering. The gifts we offer express our stewardship of creation, demonstrate our care for one another, support the ministries of the church, and provide for the needs of the poor.” One of the important expansions has been an ongoing series of Special Offerings that has helped us demonstrate our care for one another and provide for the needs of the poor.
Since January, West Raleigh has received four Special Offerings. Through these Special Offerings, we have partnered with other congregations to support new and creative initiatives, explored and engaged intentionally in reparative justice, strengthened new relationships with community partners, and continued to support well established ministries and denominational offerings. These Special Offerings are a visible and tangible sign of what we already know, God’s grace is abundant, and it flows freely through West Raleigh Presbyterian Church.
RIP Medical Debt - $2,900 This Special Offering is part of First Presbyterian Church Durham’s Campaign to eliminate medical debt for our neighbors throughout North Carolina. To learn more or give directly to this Campaign, go to Building Beloved Community - RIP Medical Debt
Historic Turner House - $1,030.00 This historic house is on the North Carolina registry of historic homes and part of Oberlin Village.
One Great Hour of Sharing - $2,190 This Special Offering – collected through spectacularly decorated Fish-banks – supports the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and Self-Development of People.
US Committee for Refugees & Immigrants $283.75 (in Quarters!) These quarters are already being used by families to do their laundry!