Dear friends,
The aftermath of hurricane Helene in Western North Carolina is devastating. Last Sunday almost everyone in church knew someone directly affected. Several families had not yet heard from loved ones. Weddings were canceled. We knew it was bad, and yet, we have since learned that it was even worse that we could have known on Sunday. Since then, West Raleigh’s folks have heard from their loved ones. Rev. Dr. Byron Wade, West Raleigh’s friend and the current General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina, reports that there has not been loss of life among the Presbyterian congregations, and yet, the death toll continues to rise. Last Sunday in worship, we asked, ‘Who is our neighbor?’ All those affected by this hurricane. They are our neighbors.

The faithful question we are all asking is ‘How can we help our neighbors?’ We often talk about the Presbyterian Church (USA) being a connectional denomination. Now is when we see these connections most at work. Black Mountain Presbyterian Church and Montreat Conference Center are both operating as collection and distribution centers for donations coming into the valley. They are working with local, state and federal government, nonprofits and business to meet the changing needs in real time. Both Black Mountain Presbyterian Church and Montreat have established relief funds. The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), the denomination’s national emergency response arm, has already sent a team to begin to assess the damage. Over the coming months, the PDA will establish a coordinated response that will keep resources flowing into the area throughout the slow work of rebuilding. The PDA also has a relief fund.
There are other ways West Raleigh is answering calls from neighbors. Families are hosting friends and family who were evacuated and shuttling supplies into Western North Carolina. The session responded to a request from the National Association of Teachers of Singing to relocate a concert from Boone to Raleigh. This Sunday the children will be packing Emergency Cleanup Buckets in response to a PDA request. The Mission, Peace & Justice Committee elected to send a portion of the offering on Sunday to Black Mountain Presbyterian Church’s relief fund. There is already talk of sending a work team when the time comes.
Church, just as real as the devastation from this storm is the help and the hope that is rising from neighbors throughout North Carolina and from across the country. Recover from this storm will be long, slow and difficult, but we can be part of the promise that our neighbors in Western North Carolina will not have to do it alone.
Below you will find a listing of some of the ways you can donate directly to get resources to those who are on the front lines as well as an update from Rev. Dr. Byron Wade. The mountains are calling, and we will respond.
May the Spirit lead the way,

F.A.R.M Café (pay-what you can café in Boone)